Hey there people.
Always wanted to try out blog spot. Wow I've to say, it was pretty easy and definitely the type of page or rather design i wanted. It was plain yet it gives a comfortable feeling you see. I kind of like blog skin despite it being a typical or "overly-simple" default skin.
Now, this is my first post so just keep it short huh. I'm going Geylang with Babe, we're going to like explore the whole place. Well despite me living in S'pore for the past 17 years, this is my first trip there. Sounded kind of deprive though. Alright, that's all for you to know people. I'll be back soon, to share with you any experience i had alright?
Enjoy your short public holiday & wish all Muslim friends a "Happy Hari Raya!".
Oh and before i forget, people TP concert band is going to be performing at the Istana Park tomorrow ! Timing is from 3.50- 4.35 pm ! We're going to be playing these following songs -
1.) My Fair Lady Medley
2.) Selections from "Grease"
3.) Music from "A bug's life"
4.) March "Beyond the critical point"
5.) Instant Concert
6.) A Disney Spectacular
7.) Postcard from Singapore.
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