Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm a new vegetarian1

Emotional stress is merely a state of mind which people think that they are stress and worried over things that are important, only to realise eventually that they aren't.

It's only human to switch between things that attracts us however in this case of interest conflicting one another. It's kind of tough choosing the things that's interesting and really financially capable.

Damn sucks to be vex over such trival yet essential part of life, oh well, that's growing up. We desire so much yet giving so little.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Haven't been around for quite some time, thought I'll hardly come back and yes, I was right. Has been busy with things recently that explains my disappearance from blog but oh well, all is fine and fantastic at the moment!

The month went off perfectly with the "Les Trio" finalising our Bali trip! We're definitely going there on the 21st and returning on 28th amigos! I love working at Terminal 2!