Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thinking of you.

(Nice picture!)

"You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center"

Maybe one of these days, we happen to forget who we really are and do things unintentionally but the fact is that, we never did changed at all. We are still the same and I still love you just as much, or even more than last time.

I love you darling :D

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

She's know the truth, a decaying tooth.

"Over and in, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done"

Hey what's up guys? Been really really busy the past few days, partly due to school. Currently I'm studying at TAS. Many of you might wonder like:" what the heck is TAS, he forever TAS TAS!". Alright, let me give you a rough idea of TAS.

Firstly, TAS simply represents "Tourism Academy @ Sentosa". It's somewhat a school, rebuild or rather furnished, repainted and stuff, from a former military base. I think it's quite cool except that the place don't really look appealing for studies.

Next, it's located at Sentosa. People confirm like:" wah piang, lame sia this guy. so obvious". Ok, it's for the benefit of those COCK EYE PEOPLE WHO CANNOT SEE WHAT'S IN BOLD.

Well, the school actually set up this TAS thingy for courses like: LRM- Leisure & Resort Management(2.1), HTM- Hospitality & Tourism Management & Foreign students studying HTB- Hospitality & Tourism Business.

So my timetable is sucky, I end at 6 everyday. I wanna type a couple of vulgarities here but i won't. HAHA!

So long for now!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Are we human or are we denser?

"Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Hear my regards to soul and romance
They always did the best they could"

Today, my life seemed to be on the fast lane. Many things were talked about, dinner with former classmates and stuff. Really fun and all. Dreams were said, promises were made and actions will soon be done.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Tonight's a weird night, without a shadow of a doubt. I can feel it, somehow. I mean tonight is no different from other nights that I had experienced before except that it came with a touch of emptiness in me.

For the countless time, I felt empty. I'm like alone, on a deserted island. It's not a good feeling at all.

Basically what I'm trying to say is I'm a complacent person and I, very often, would take things into my hands, which is not good. So I should relax and calm myself down.

When I thought I knew almost everything, the confidence level's high and strong, BANG. Somethings I read or what just prove me wrong and let me understand that what I actually knew was 0.0000001% of what others knew.

"為 什 麼 要 對 你 掉 眼 淚
你 難 道 不 明 白 為 了 愛
只 有 那 有 情 人 眼 淚 最 珍 貴
一 顆 顆 眼 淚 都 是 愛 都 是 愛

為 什 麼 要 對 你 掉 眼 淚
你 難 道 不 明 白 為 了 愛
要 不 是 有 情 郎 跟 我 要 分 開
我 眼 淚 不 會 掉 下 來 掉 下 來

好 春 纔 來 春 花 正 開
你 怎 捨 得 說 再 會
我 在 深 閨 望 穿 秋 水
你 不 要 忘 了 我 情 深 深 如 海

為 什 麼 要 對 你 掉 眼 淚
你 難 道 不 明 白 為 了 愛
要 不 是 有 情 郎 跟 我 要 分 開
我 眼 淚 不 會 掉 下 來 掉 下 來"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Arsenal vs Liverpool.

Go Gunners!

Well Arsenal's without hitman Adebayor and Van Persie, but that's alright. We have Vela, eduardo and walcott. Cool :D

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ponyo on the cliff by the sea.

(My favourite chinese movie.)

"Ponyo on the cliff by the sea".

It's not just a story about a love tale between a fish and human being, it's more about the magic of love and the sacrifice one makes when it comes to love.

Understand the story, can help play better :D

I will learn to love TAS.

Monday, April 20, 2009

New Semester- @ Sentosa.

(As you can see, I'm focused on Mahjong games & taking picture :D)

Dude, haven't been to this little spot for quite some time. Hey that doesn't mean i don't give a damn about this blog. Well school's gonna start in a couple of hours (boring like shit) and I'm quite "lucky", you can ask me why I'm lucky @ msn.

Anyway, the thought of going to Sentosa for the next 6 months kinda freaked me out. I mean it's going to be boring but on the other hand, i think it's gonna be fun :)

And yeah, went to the band chalet. It was fun, 3/4 of my time there was mahjong while the other 1/4 was resting, watching tv and slacking outside.

Alright, it's dark right now so yeah, i can sense my bed's whispering to my ears..

Peace out.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


(Kid with middle finger, only he knows how i feel =p)

I have made mistakes before but damn that was truly, wow unexpected. I thought everything's cool man but i was wrong and I'm looking at the front door, perhaps it's time to take my exit.

I mean come on, I can't believe that I was actually 'punked' by you. Dude you truly lived up the name of fat bitch.