Like a rainbow, fading in the twinkling of an eye..Today's your princess day, please promise me that you will be optimistic no matter whatever shits' thrown at you, for you're flawless in my eyes. You are standing in front of me, waving yet i couldn't see a thing. That was how i felt at times of desperation.
Mood swings are often and unpredictable, they come and go as and when they like it. Seriously no idea why, they make me laugh at times knowing that you didn't mean what you said but you look cute when you scold me.
Often thinking too much or planning too deep into the future, just only make me realise that you're the one for me. I never thought that it would be you, just like how you thought in the first place but yeah it hell is. I love you and will try to make life fucking comfortable for the both of us :D
Once again, happy 18th birthday to you, my dearest baby - Azraini :D